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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Post-workout eating

What you may not know, is that after you've done your workout, your body needs some nourishment to aid post-exercise recovery and to keep you in that hard-earned good shape.

After a good workout your priority needs to be repairing muscle tissue and replenishing glycogen stores, and that means a combination of protein and carbohydrates.

If you have sweet tooth, peanut butter is a great item to munch on. You can spread it over a rice cake and top it with a banana, you can dip apple chunks in it or you can make peanut butter and unsweetened jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread or English muffin. And if you don't like or can't eat peanut butter, you should reach for some natural yogurt mixed with berries, you can make a protein shake with banana or munch on a mix of dried fruit and nuts. A high fiber, low sugar cereal with skim milk or almond milk is a perfect snack that will satisfy you easily after your workout.

Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, with some avocado and lettuce, pita bread with cheese and crackers are quick and satisfying. And if you have some time and get home quickly after finishing your exercise, a veggie loaded omelet, a stir fry with some chicken for lean protein or pancakes and eggs without the butter and syrup but with a serving of fresh fruit on the side will take care of all your needs post-workout. Just be sure to chase whatever you eat with some water, and your body will feel good enough to head to work if you exercise in the morning.

By all means stick to your low carb bread and other low carb choices pre-workout or on the days you don't exercise, but after you've pushed yourself at the gym, on the court or in your running shoes, you'll do best reaching for one of the above mentioned well balanced snacks.
James F. Mitchell

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