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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Just say NO! to dairy!

Fat burning tip:

One of the best tips I can give is to eliminate Dairy products from your diet. Even if you don't do it for a long period, you can greatly reduce the amount of fat in your diet simply by doing this. The Dairy industry tells us that you can by milk in a low fat version (1%). The thing is that this is a trick. Milk is advertised as 1% (or whatever) by volume. That is true. But, it is 70% fat by calories! It is mostly water, so it is low fat by volume. It is High fat by calories. If you eliminate or greatly reduce Dairy products, you can quickly reduce fat! Dairy products are also very mucous forming in the body.�A� This mucous slows down digestion and elimination.� �

Extra tip! I drink almond milk with my whole grain cereal in the mornings. Almond milk taste good, its dairy free, fat free, soy free, gluten free, 50% more calcium than milk from cows.
James F. Mitchell

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