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Saturday, November 26, 2011

What is behavior modification in a nutshell?

--Behavior Modification--
Although our body weight may fluctuate up and down throughout the year with our water weight, true fat loss can only be obtained by balancing caloric intake and caloric burn. Another words if we are putting in more than we are burning, we will put on more and more fat! Fat loss its mainly attributed to a well balanced diet, the trick is with all of the fast foods, desserts, fried foods and sugar bombarding us daily, how do we stay disciplined?
The system is called behavior modification. In a nutshell, behavior modification is identifying our moods associated with food intake, we all need accountability!
Implement these strategies:
1) Eliminate inappropriate eating cues:
    a.don't buy the problem foods
    b.eat only in one room at the designated time
    c.shop when not hungry
    d.avoid vending machines, fast-food restaurants and convenience stores
    e.turn of the television, video games and computers
2) Suppress cues you can't eliminate
    a.serve individual plates, don't serve "family style"
    b.measure your portions, avoid large servings or packages of food
    c.make small portions look large by spreading them over the plate
    e.create obstacles to consuming problem foods---wrap them and freeze them, making them less quickly accessible
    f.control deprivation; plan and eat regular meals
    g.Likewise, plan to spend only one hour on sedentary activities, such as watching television or using a computer
3) Strengthen cues to appropriate eating and exercise
    a.share appropriate foods with others
    b.store appropriate foods in convenient spots in the refrigerator
    c.learn appropriate portion sizes
    d.plan appropriate snacks
    e.keep sports and outdoor equipment near the door
4) Repeat the desired eating and exercise behaviors
    a.slow down eating--put down utensils in between bites
    b.always use utensils
    c.leave some food on your plate
    d.move more--shake a leg, pace, stretch often
    e.join groups of active people, and participate
5) Arrange, emphasize negative consequences of inappropriate eating
    a.ask that others respond neutrally to your deviations(make no comments--even negative attention is a reward)
    b.if you slip, don't punish yourself
6) Arrange, emphasize positive consequences of appropriate eating
    a.buy tickets to some type of nonfood amusement
    b.learn some new type of active activity such as horseback riding, tennis, handball
    c.nap, relax
    d.read a good book

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