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Friday, December 9, 2011

Good fats v Bad fats!

Good fats!

Some of the best fats we can eat are olives, olive oil, fats from nuts and seeds, fats from fish, and fats from dark green leafy veggies. These fats are often referred to as Omega-3's and they are great for your body. Eating beneficial fats has great long term healthy effects.

Saturated fats are also beneficial in the form of stearic acid which is used to repair cell membranes. This fat is found in beef and dark chocolate. We can also find saturated fats in farm butter and eggs. If we choose natural, grass fed, and organic varieties of these they are good for lowering triglycerides (LDL), boosting good cholesterol (HDL) and aiding in calcium absorption.

Bad fats!

And on the other side... we have the trans fat family. These nefarious fats are the result of hydrogenated oils (where hydrogen is forced into oil to keep it from spoiling on the shelf). These fats include both partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils. Consumption of these fats in crease the risks of obesity, clogged arteries, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, immune system dysfunction, and birth defects. Trans fats also increase bad cholesterol (LDL) and decrease good cholesterol (HDL). Really, eating trans fats is like ingesting a time bomb. Are you wondering how to defeat this heavy weight? Cut out all commercially processed foods. From McDonald's to the grocery store, things like fast food, cookies, crackers, chips, cakes, pies, shortening, breads, and even margarine. Do this, and you will remove 75% of the average daily American intake of trans fats.

Just a side note - homemade baked goods are different! They are typically without hydrogenated oils. If you use real butter, and other healthy ingredients baked good are a healthy treat in moderation.

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