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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pre and post workout meals

Pre-Workout Meal Plan

While it's important to eat something before exercising, be careful to allow enough time for digestion. A good blood supply is required to process food, so conflicts can occur when the same blood is needed to bring nutrients to muscles during a workout. Your goal is to make sure that the meal is essentially gone when you start the exercise. A good rule of thumb would be eating no closer than one and a half to two hours ahead of time.
Keep in mind that the amount of fat in the meal and the intensity of the exercise can also affect digestion time. The more fat, the longer it takes to be digested and the more time should be allowed. How taxing the workout is can change the amount of blood needed for the muscles. If the exercise is mild, eating closer to the start time is acceptable.
As to the type of food, fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread. An ideal pre-workout meal consists of protein — 10 to 35 percent, carbohydrates — 45 to 65 percent, and fat — 20 to 35 percent.
And what about those who exercise in the morning vs. the evening? The timing really shouldn't affect the diet. Many people have a preference for foods appropriate to the time of day, but as long as the right amount and type of calories are ingested, the specific selection is not important.

Post-Workout Meal Plan

If the exercise has been intense, it's crucial to eat within an hour of the end of the workout in order to refuel the body's cells. A decent-sized meal within that 60-minute post-workout period will greatly increase the ability to recover and help build lean muscle tissue. An ideal ratio is 4:1 carbohydrates to protein, with an easy option being a glass of chocolate skim milk.
For mild workouts, a light snack is sufficient to tide you over until the next meal. Another good idea is eating less but more frequently, since consuming more than can be digested and burned at one time translates to the extra food turning into fat.
Finally, no matter when or how vigorous the exercise, be sure to always eat breakfast. A variety of studies have shown people who ate the most in the morning are generally thinner and consumed fewer calories the rest of the day.
James F. Mitchell
Blog: jamesfmitchell09.blogspot.com
Twitter: jamesfmitch

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