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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eat fat!

Eat fat! Essential Fatty Acids!(EFA's)

There is good fat! Flax Seed oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. It is known to reduce cholesterol and play a part in burning fat. It is also an important part of a health diet. EFA's ability to increase metabolic rate helps us burn more calories. Instead of being used as fuel, they are converted into hormone-like prostaglandins. These fats keep us slim! EFAs help our kidneys dump excess water in tissues, which constitutes significant extra weight in some people. Cravings which result from not getting the nutrients we need, subside. EFAs satisfy that craving.

In fact, EFAs are exceptionally good at satisfying hunger. EFAs elevate mood and lift depression-a reason why some people overeat. Elevated mood and increased energy levels make us feel like being active.

Extra tip! We should be eating more fat. But remember, it should be the right kind of fat. Not the processed fats, but the essential ones: Flaxseed oil, some canola oils, fish oil, extra virgin olive oil, hempseed oil, grapeseed oil, nuts & seeds, dark green leafy vegetables.
James F. Mitchell

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