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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eat more fish, the right types!

*Avoid the Large Fish

Simply by being large, some fish are more likely to be high in mercury and other toxic materials. Swordfish and King mackerel are two on the "do not eat list". This is particularly true for children and women who are pregnant or nursing.

However, it would be a mistake to simply write off fish from your diet because you're concerned about mercury poisoning. By eating smaller fish like anchovies, sardines and wild-caught salmon, you can stock up on the essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA in fish oil.

These essential omega 3 fatty acids power your brain-in fact, DHA makes up about half of your brain. They can also protect you from heart disease so the American Heart Association recommends eating fish 2-3 times a week.

Here are a few top fish recommended safe for you to eat 2-3 times a week.

*Eat smaller fish

The smaller the fish, the less of risk of contaminates so anchovies, catfish, cod, salmon, scallops and even canned light tuna make the list.

Trout, sardines, and salmon are especially good for your heart. Once a week you can have monkfish, sea bass, lobster and albacore tuna.

A serving size is 8 oz. for adults and 4 oz. for children.

You probably know that people who come from fish eating cultures have far less rate of heart disease, Alzheimer's and depression than Americans. Doctors now link these health differences to the omega 3 deficiency of the typical American diet.

By increasing your fish intake wisely, you can get your needed nutrients without the risk of mercury poisoning.

*Preparation Matters

Of course, how you eat your fish matters too.

Fried fish is not the way to a healthy heart. Fried food actually raises your inflammation levels and your goal is to lower them. So, bake, broil or sautee your fish using healthy olive oil to reap the full benefits. You can sprinkle chopped walnuts too across the top for an added boost of omega 3's.

So, there you are, a few types of fish to eat for your health. Many people find fish oil supplements to be a good resource too.

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