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Monday, November 28, 2011

An apple a day!

This portable fruit is the perfect snack, with a high water content and both kinds of fiber: soluble, which helps prevent blood sugar spikes that lead to cravings, and insoluble, which helps fill you up. A medium apple is about 85 percent water with 5 grams of soluble fiber, making it a snack of choice for those looking to burn fat. Apples also contain quercetin, a flavonoid shown to help fight certain cancers, reduce cholesterol damage and promote healthy lungs.

Extra tip! Organic apples are worth the extra cost because commercial apples retain more pesticide residue than fruits you peel, such as oranges or bananas. And with half the fiber and most of the iron, magnesium and vitamin C, you definitely want to eat that peel to get the full benefits.

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