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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Food timing on workout days

Before your workout session:

Ideally, you should eat a couple of hours before any exercise session; whether it be a cardiovascular workout, resistance training or a Yoga class. Before you hit the gym or start training, you should load up on protein and carbohydrates. Make it a low-fat meal that's ideally low in glycemic value. The lower the glycemic value of food, the slower it gets released into the bloodstream. There will be no spikes in your blood sugar levels that will cause you to tire easily in the middle of your workout. Examples of foods with low glycemic index values are oats, whole wheat breads, fruits, leafy green vegetables and lean meats and fish.

During your exercise session:

The foods for exercise that you will take will mostly be in the form of liquid energy drinks. Energy drinks that combine carbohydrates, other nutrients and sugars will take care of the fluid losses that you are likely to incur during any workout, particularly if it is an intense session lasting more than an hour. In regular workouts however, water will suffice to keep you hydrated.

Make sure you get a glucose energy drink within fifteen minutes after your exercise activity. Those who have just undergone a resistance training workout would do well to add a little whey protein energy drink to initiate the muscle rebuilding process. This liquid food for exercise is absorbed much easily by the muscles and will at the same time help rehydrate your body after an intense workout.

Post workout session:

However, your post exercise nutrition shouldn't end with a drink. Within a couple of hours after the workout, make sure that you eat foods high in carbohydrate content. This includes potatoes, chocolates, ripe fruits may also be taken. After a couple of hours, you can take in a little more low carbohydrate and protein meal like tuna with low-fat cheese and on whole wheat bread. This is to further hasten your recovery period and enhance muscle building.

James F. Mitchell

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