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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Foods that reduce cholesterol levels in your bloodstream.

Guard your heart! It is the wellspring of life!

Oats -Oats are one of the healthiest foods when it comes to cholesterol and heart health. Part of the reason oats are so good for you is because of the fiber content. Soluble fiber is able to stop cholesterol from entering your blood stream. One and a half cups of oatmeal is seven grams of fiber and studies show that five to ten grams of fiber a day can greatly reduce the "bad" cholesterol levels.

Fish- Fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly good for your cholesterol levels. High fat swimmers, like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, help to lower your risk of blood clots and can increase your "good" or HDL cholesterol levels. If you don't like fish try taking a fish oil supplement to help with your cholesterol levels.

Nuts- Walnuts and almonds are both high in polyunsaturated fats; which are amazing for your heart health. Of course, eating nuts that have been salted or coated with sugar don't retain the healthy qualities that raw nuts have. But the heart health available from raw nuts can't be beat. Just remember that nuts also have a high calorie content, so keep it to about one handful a day.

Olive Oil- Olive oil contains many antioxidants that are good for your overall health. But what is important to know about olive oil is that it should not be used to fry foods. When olive oil is heated at a high temperate it breaks down the molecules and creates free radicals; which actually destroy the antioxidant qualities. When using olive oil keep the heat down.
James F. Mitchell
Blog: jamesfmitchell09.blogspot.com
Twitter: jamesfmitch

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