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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Foods to include, foods to exclude!

When it comes to the subject of what types of food you should avoid and what types of food to include in your diet, there are many different opinions. As it has already been mentioned, having a well balanced diet and eating moderately can help you maintain your body weight. On the other hand, the fact is that some foods are easier to burn than others. By and large, it is a great idea to avoid corn and refined grains, whereas eating fresh fruits and vegetables will provide you not only with enough energy, but also with enough vitamins and minerals.

It is said that there are many interesting facts about nutrition, so eating healthy can easily be a lot of fun. For example, it is a little known fact that the peel contains most of the fiber of the fruit, whereas the amount of fiber in frozen and fresh fruit is the same. As opposed to healthy foods, there are some foods which can be harmful to our health, such as highly processed junk food or refined sugar. Gathering the information about how these types of food influence our health can greatly change our attitude towards out eating habits.

It would be quite important to mention that alcohol should always be avoided if you are trying to lose belly fat. Alcohol is the cause of belly fat, especially beer and you should always drink water of fresh fruit juices instead of alcohol if you are serious about losing your belly fat. Therefore, avoiding alcohol and drinking a lot of water is very important and should be taken very seriously.
James F. Mitchell

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