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Saturday, December 29, 2012

On a diet? Condiments to avoid...

Ketchup - usually pumped full of sugar, sodium and high fructose

Ranch - usually contains buttermilk and mayonnaise, which makes it high in calories and fat. The average serving ranch contains about 140 calories and 14 grams of fat.

Barbecue sauce - this is a less healthier version of ketchup with even more sugar and high fructose. In addition, contains less tomatoes, which by themselves are healthy.

Mayonnaise - packed with saturated fat, and the primary ingredient in most mayonnaise is refined soybean oil which has no nutritional value.

Salad dressing - most salad dressings are packed full of saturated fat and/or high fructose corn syrup, and processed soybean oil. Beware of "fat free" claims as they can be misleading and contain high fructose corn syrup. In addition, are stripped of some healthy fats. Not all fats are bad fats.

Maple syrup - sugar free or low sugar syrups only mean that the level of high fructose corn syrup has exponentially increased. If you must have syrup, search out pure maple syrup. Avoid synthetic syrups which are common in restaurants and on store shelves.

Cocktail sauce - usually contains both ketchup and horseradish, both of which are not particularly healthy. More than half of the calories come from sugar.

Jelly & Jam - most store bought jellies and Jams are loaded with sugar. Beware of "sugar free"  claims,  as that just means that natural sugars have been replaced by high fructose corn syrup.

Honey mustard - mustard by itself is one of the healthiest condiments you can ingest. The average two tablespoon serving of honey mustard has roughly 120 calories and 11 grams of fat. Compare that to regular mustard of the same serving which roughly 5 calories and 0 grams of fat.

James M., NSCA CPT

Friday, December 28, 2012

At the pyramid!

Don't have time to work out?

Super sets are the way to go!

Super sets are a way to get in your workout in a fraction of the time.

You don't want to work out longer than an hour away, it starts to become excessive on both your mind and body.

A super set is simply back to back exercises with no rest in between. Super sets work best with opposing muscle groups, for example: biceps/triceps, chest/back, quads/hamstrings.

The benefits of a super set are great! Sustained elevated heart rate so you'll burn fat faster, shorter workout, etc...

James M., NSCA CPT

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What are you putting in your stomach? Your body is a temple!

Design a healthy eating plan:
- whenever possible, buy food that is grown locally and fresh rather than packaged.
- visit farmers' markets in your area for the freshest produce.
- plan ahead by creating a grocery list to make better food choices.
- prepare and cook more meals at home instead of dining out.
- consume more nutrient-dense foods and beverages such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk products, seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans, peas, nuts, and seeds.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How much fluid should I drink when I'm sick?

Nutrition News (@nutritionnews) tweeted on Tue, Dec 18, 2012: How Much Fluid Should I Drink when I'm Sick? Click here!